Lady Athena, Spaceperson.

During the Harmonic Convergence I was on the sides of Mt. Shasta up by the old ski bowl having more fun than any person should, when I met a lady who was working with Sister Thedra. She was helping her send out the Sibor's Portions and after a while it seemed that something was bugging her. I asked her about it and she said the she was pretty perturbed because nearly all of the information that Thedra was sending out was generated by male entities such as Sananda. She said that she thought they should sent out more information from the female intelligences. I didn't give it too much thought until just a few days ago I got the following information. Here it is..................................................................................................................

Commander Lady Athena through Ashtar-Athena

The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the admisistrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spirutal guidance of Lord Sananda, know to Earth as Jesus, or the Christ, our Commander-in-Chief. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment. We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth.

1. We are the Hosts of Heaven who serve the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his mission of love. We work in coordination with the legions of Michael, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabriel and the 70 Brotherhoods of Light that administer the Divine Plan. We serve by monitoring and stablizing the planetary grid systems and serve as protectors of this univerasal sector. Different fleets within the Command specialize in spiritual education, ascension, scientific survey, communicaiton, monitoring planetary affairs, and the well-being of our personnel, universal and intergalactic statesmanship and law, species observation, education, relocation, media and artistic expression, healing, horticulture, zoology, and many other areas of research.

2. A major focus at this time is the activation of the collective Messiah, the 144,000 ascended masters (referred to as Eagles witin the Command) who form the Legion of Special Volunteers. These are the star-seeded emissaries from the Office of the Christ, through the interstellar Councils of Light, here on earth assignment. Their awakening is crucial to the transiton of the planet. Hence, we and our earth-based representatives are here to facilitate the awakening of the Eagles and other Light servers. Our mission administers the sacred ordiances of the Lord God Most High and functions through the Elohim, the Coucils of Orion, the Great Central Sun hierachy and Order of Melchizedek.

3. We acknowledge that God, the Source, is one ominipresent, eternal life force, universally recognized by many names and forms.

4. We affirm that there is one "only begotten Son of God," as pure unconditional love extended throughout creation. The Lord God of the highest positive realms of spirit created and extended only love.

This Son of God exists as a state of divine consciousness or Chrishood exemplified by divine embodiments such as Jesus, Sanada, Maitreya, Krishna and others. These and alll true techers or avatars represent a multidimensional collective of love-wisdom, focalized and extended through the Office of the Christ. This office, as well as other divine thrones of celestial administration, is anchored by a trinity. Currently the Office of the Christ is held by Lord Jesus, Lord Moses and Lord Elijah. The current planetary christ is Lord Maitreya. These Christed energies are held as well by Lord Kuthumi and others as our cycle progresss into the future and the new heierachy of masters take their places.) Lord Sathva Sai Baba, currently residing in Sourth India, manifests cosmic Christhood and also Father-Mother Godhood as an extremely rare full avatar, known as the Kalkhi Avatar or tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The Christ also manifests as the individualized soul within mankind with the potential of expressing perfect sonship, or Christhood. The collective Messiah consists of those 14,000 ascended masters who accompany the Christ or appointed Messiah on a mission of love. These constitute the true church or body of Christ. This body of divine sonship is not limited to 144,000, but requires that minimum number to leaven and give rise to the loaf of humanity (the ascension) or shift into a new paradigm. The door of grace is open to any who would step forth and choose conscious sonship.

(The term son, father and mankind refer not to gender but to the directive spiritual funciton, punusha, or spirit. Prakrithi, or material creation, refers to the receptive spiritual function know by the terms daughter, mother, goddess, Shakti etc. through which spirit is birthed into form as the son-daughter of God, soul or Christ principal. As there seems to be much controversy regarding these issues, we have wished to bring some light and clarity. We of the Ashtar Command simply refer to the Christ as the Most Radiant One or the Beloved.)

5. We teach that in highest truth, you have never left the heart of God. As rays of God Source, we have the divine function of extending God's love throughout the cosmos.

(The belief in separation we refer to as the father of all lies and the root cause of all fear and negativity or ignorance, expressed as what we refer to as the ego or false self.)

We practice the one true religion of unconditional love. We ever strive to inspire faith and trust in the One Source and in the divine purpose and plan. Our mesage is always a positibve one of hope and affirmaiton. We encourage your worship of God along the path of your preference, for we have not come to start yet another religion! We ask not to be set apart, idolized or worshipped, but to be respected and seen as your elder brothers and sisters in servive to the One God.

JW Well, I believe she mentioned about every entities I've ever heard of, plus a few more.

Part 1.

Source Of Information: SEDONA, Journal of EMMERGENCE! P.O. Box 1526, Sedona, Arizona 86339. 602-282-6523.

Remember: Two things are hard on the heart - running up stairs and running down people.

John Winston.

Original file name: Lady Athena

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